Workplace Planning Melbourne


One of the most important aspects of workforce planning is employee retention. As business models continue to evolve and customers demand more from their service providers, employee turnover can become a significant problem. Companies need to track employee attrition patterns and determine how to retain employees. Offboarding programs and retention strategies can help companies keep their workers, and they can also hire contingent workers to meet their needs. It is important to understand how these trends will impact your workforce to ensure that you are hiring the best possible candidates for the job.

Another aspect of workplace planning is training. Line managers need to have the necessary skills to participate in the planning process and assess the performance of their workers. Evaluation criteria should be clear and relevant, and should include outcomes of decisions and the consequences of those decisions. Ultimately, the more sophisticated your organisation is at workforce planning, the easier it will be to identify relevant evaluation criteria. Keeping your workforce planning plan current and aligned with business goals and objectives will allow you to make informed decisions.

The key to successful workforce planning is the collaboration of key stakeholders. While HR traditionally leads the workforce planning process, other departments such as operations, finance, and legal must be involved. Getting executive support is critical to successfully setting goals and integrating them into the overall strategy. By engaging key stakeholders from all departments, you can be assured that your organization will have broad, company-wide support for your workforce planning efforts. It is also important to identify the right measurement methods and benchmarks for success.